Git Tutorial: Essential Commands and Scenarios

Git is a distributed version control system that helps you track changes to your code, collaborate with others, and manage project history. This simple tutorial covers some of the most commonly used git commands and workflows you will need in real-world development.

What does "git" stand for? From the first README by the developers, we see the following

GIT – the stupid content tracker
"git" can mean anything, depending on your mood.

- random three-letter combination that is pronounceable, and not
  actually used by any common UNIX command. The fact that it is a
  mispronunciation of "get" may or may not be relevant.
- stupid. contemptible and despicable. simple. Take your pick from the
  dictionary of slang.
- "global information tracker": you're in a good mood, and it actually
  works for you. Angels sing, and a light suddenly fills the room.
- "goddamn idiotic truckload of sh*t": when it breaks

This is a stupid (but extremely fast) directory content manager. It
doesn't do a whole lot, but what it _does_ do is track directory
contents efficiently.

Table of Contents

  1. Setup and Configuration
  2. Basic Workflow
  3. Branching and Merging
  4. Collaboration
  5. Fixing Mistakes
  6. Common Scenarios
  7. Tips and Best Practices
  8. Cheat Sheet

1. Setup and Configuration

Before using Git, set up your identity:

git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""

2. Basic Workflow

The basic Git workflow involves staging changes, committing them, and viewing history.

Create and Track Files

Stage Changes

Commit Changes

View History

3. Branching and Merging

Branches allow you to work on features or fixes without affecting the main codebase.

Create and Switch Branches

List Branches

Merge Branches

Delete a Branch

4. Collaboration

Git can be very useful in team settings with remote repositories (e.g., GitHub, GitLab).

Clone a Repository

Link to a Remote

Push Changes

Pull Changes

Fetch Without Merging

5. Fixing Mistakes

Mistakes happen — Git provides ways to undo or fix them.

Unstage Changes

Discard Local Changes

Amend a Commit

Revert a Commit

Reset Commits

6. Common Scenarios

Here are practical workflows for real-world situations.

Scenario 1: Starting a New Feature

  1. Create a branch: git checkout -b new-feature
  2. Work, stage, and commit:
    git add .
    git commit -m "Implement feature"
  3. Push to remote: git push origin new-feature
  4. Open a pull request (PR) on GitHub/GitLab.

Scenario 2: Fixing a Bug on Master

  1. Switch to master: git checkout master
  2. Create a bugfix branch: git checkout -b bugfix-issue-123
  3. Fix the bug, commit, and push:
    git add .
    git commit -m "Fix issue #123"
    git push origin bugfix-issue-123
  4. Merge into master via PR or locally:
    git checkout master
    git merge bugfix-issue-123

Scenario 3: Resolving Merge Conflicts

  1. Run git merge and encounter conflicts.
  2. Open conflicted files, resolve manually (look for <<<<<<<, =======, >>>>>>> markers).
  3. Stage resolved files: git add <file>
  4. Complete the merge: git commit

Scenario 4: Redirecting a PR to a Different Branch

In this scenario, contributor submits PR to master, but you want it on dev to review it first before merging into main, do:

  1. Fetch the PR: git fetch origin pull/<PR-number>/head:pr-branch
  2. Create a new branch based on dev:
    git checkout dev
    git checkout -b pr-dev-branch
    git merge pr-branch
  3. Push and create a new PR: git push origin pr-dev-branch
  4. Close the original PR with a note.

Scenario 5: Viewing Differences

7. Tips and Best Practices

  1. Commit Often: Small, logical commits are easier to track and revert.
  2. Write Good Messages: Use clear, concise commit messages, e.g., "Fix login bug" (good) vs "Changes" (bad).
  3. Pull Before Pushing: Avoid conflicts by running git pull first.
  4. Use Branches: Keep master (sometimes main) branch stable; experiment in feature branches.
  5. Backup Work: Push to a remote regularly to avoid losing changes.

8. Cheat Sheet

Command Description
git init Initialize a new repository
git add <file> Stage changes
git commit -m "msg" Commit staged changes
git status Check repository status
git log View commit history
git branch List branches
git checkout -b <name> Create and switch to a branch
git merge <branch> Merge a branch into the current one
git push origin <branch> Push to remote repository
git pull origin <branch> Pull updates from remote
git reset --hard Reset to a commit (discard changes)
git revert <hash> Undo a commit with a new commit

This tutorial covers the essentials to get you started and handle most day-to-day tasks with Git. Happy coding!


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